making old traditions new

This year we thought we'd give Sinterklaas and his trusty steed a break from deliveries at our house and opted for a "Dutch Dinner" event instead of the usual shoes-by-the-fireplace.

I'd love to say this move was inspired by a united desire for healthier eating (Sint brings a lot of sweets and treats), but I also have to admit that the liberal amounts of butter, frying, and, quite frankly, the sheer volume of food involved made for more festive indulgence than virtuous consumption. Ah well, tis the season and the Dutch certainly know how to spread the festivities (and indulgences) out over the entire month of December!

Here's what was on the menu:

marinated cucumbers

Oma’s beets

buttered leeks


farmer’s sausage

vegetable croquettes

pork sautes, mushroom sautes

peanut sauce

fried bananas

nasi goring


Indonesian vegetable salad

and for dessert...

stroop waffles
(because the pofertjes were a disaster)

And, in the spirit of turning traditions on their head and changing things up, the littlest son declared after it all that next year we should do a Dutch breakfast to mark the occasion! Brilliance abounds!


  1. "Eet Smakelijk" It looks wonderful! I hope you don't mind if we borrow your new tradition ;)

  2. Older Sister of Your Man19 December 2014 at 16:41

    Yum!! Wish we were there to help eat it all up. It all looks absolutely delicious!!

  3. Older Sister of Your Man19 December 2014 at 16:44

    Yum! Looks absolutely delicious. Wish we were there to help eat it all up!

    1. Yes it was quite yummy, but the best part of course was having an excuse to get the whole gang together!


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